"Remember the Ladies-Uncover the Stories from Your Feminine Line," will give readers a new perspective on looking into their ancestors' lives, beyond genealogy research.
More than a homage to her female ancestors, her book helps readers learn the art of making their ancestors come to life.
Storytelling helps us feel a connection to our past and an understanding of where we came from, bringing history into our lives on a personal level.
Judith A. McDowell is a personal historian who co-authors family stories and histories through her company, Piper Legacy Press Inc., in professionally printed hard-bound books.
Writing for non-profit organizations for several decades helped Judith hone her storytelling skills. You don't have to be famous to tell your story. Everyone has a story! She feels too many stories lie undiscovered in old boxes or grandparents' attics that will be forever lost.
As a lover of history, Judith is currently writing a historic fiction novel based in 17th century England to be published later in 2022. She resides in Pipersville, Pa.